Saturday, 26 July 2008


i should, i must, i should have, why didn't i?

All these expressions have increasingly been finding place in my writing, in my thinking. More than anybody else's expectations, i am bogged down by my own set of expectations from myself. Sometimes, i feel i am caught between the way i am right now and the way i think i should be, ideally, of course.

This stems from the feeling that i should respect my individuality and be true to myself. On the other hand, i feel when i have the awareness that so & so behaviour will get me closer to being 'RIGHT', i should so act. Because my epectations are many. i wouldn't say big or small, because that again would be judgement.

i am trapped between the so-called RIGHTs and WRONGs of the society at large. It is not all that bad, i mean sometimes i manage quite fine. But i have noticed that i have become very minutely and sharply sensitive to criticisms or rather opinions.

Maybe the key lies in balance. Is it?

Tuesday, 15 July 2008


It will almost be one year since i started this blog without any posts. i don't know if it can be called a start or what but i registered one year back. In the middle of the night, after reading about blogging at certain places. i had thought to myself, enough of procrastinating, let me just start my blog. i did create my blog.

and now here i am with my first post.

My first post and i don't have any spectacularly great thoughts to let the world into.

But what the heck! it is just the beginning.

Watch out for the jottings of a genius :)