Wednesday, 1 October 2008


How do i feel now?
1. Restless
2. Tensed
3. Anxious
4. Scared
5. Introspective regards why am i feeling the way i am
6. Holding on to something that i can't have
7. Lesser individual
8. Burdensome

How do i want to feel?
1. Free, liberated
2. Inspired
3. Cheerful
4. Enthusiastic
5. Inspiring
6. Alive
7. Happy

i want to stop running, chasing.
i want to be me.
Nothing and nobody is stopping me but myself.
Maybe i know the way but am not sure what is not letting me move.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

you have it with you... it just needs to get discovered.
N i bet you'll discover it soon.

Me said...

YES. Positive